

The Fault In Our Stars 3(主黄赤、黑赤)

DISCLAIMER:I don't own anything of 《The Fault In Our Stars》. 但仍然是出于对原著的尊重,第一次玩就让他们先按原著设定走一遭好了,之后会有沙桑自己臆造的场景……





“Video game ?”赤司挑了挑眉。








“Deception ,”电视突然说话了,“one player or two ?”


“Two .”黄濑回答。“先前我在家里试玩过几次,那个时候就觉得如果能和小赤司一起玩的话一定会非常有趣~”


“Player one , identify yourself .”电视。


“This is player one’s sexy sexy sexy voice .”黄濑摆了一个非常闪的造型,可惜的是这个房间里没有人能看见。


“Player one , name yourself .”电视。


“Kise Ryota Sama , I think it’s OK .”


“Player two , identify yourself .”


“I suppose I would be player two .”赤司打起了点精神。


“Player two , name yourself .”


“Akashi .”


“Please choose one story . a , Attack …”


“Just ‘Random’.”黄濑打断了机械女声。因为懒得看说明书+即使看了也看不懂,黄濑可是在家里和这款游戏搏斗了整整3天。所以现在的黄濑凉太已经可以(暂时)趾高气扬地叫她“SHUT UP”了。




“Kise Ryota Sama I Think It’s OK and Akashi awake in a dark , empty room approximately 12 feet square . ”电视一板一眼地说道。


“…12 feet square…”黄濑轻声重复了一遍。“哎?等等,哎哎哎?!”


“Kise Ryota Sama I Think It’s OK screamed.”


黄濑迅速地抓乱了自己的头发,“所以说等一下啊,为什么会有‘I Think It’s OK’在我的名字里面啊!”


“sorry, I don’t understand.”电视表示我听不懂日文。


“That is, why my name has ‘I Think It’s OK’ in it?”只会说英文了不起啊什么破游戏!


“Because you named yourself that.”


“When I said ‘Kise Ryota Sama , I think it’s OK’, I mean I would name myself ‘Kise Ryota Sama’, you idiot.”


“You idiot.”虽然不明白是怎么回事但是电视选择了重复黄濑的最后两个词。




“OK, I’ll let it go. So can I change my name now?”


“Sure you can. Player one, name yourself.”




“Kise Ryota Sama I Think It’s OK renamed himself Kise. ”


“Then where are we now?”


“Still in the dark, empty room, you idiot.”












“Welcome again. Continue or restart?”看样子黄濑又连上了电源,平淡地女声再次溜进房间。




“Kise and Akashi awake in a dark, empty room.”


“Can I turn on the light?”赤司问。


“Sorry, but there isn’t a light switch.”


“Is there a door?”


“Kise locates the door. It is locked.”


“Is there a key?”


“Akashi searches the room. He finds a key.”


“Open the door.”


“Akashi opens the door. The darkness is still complete.”


“Take out the knife, and leave the room.”


“Kise and Akashi dive into the darkness. Suddenly, they hear someone calling for help. ’God,help me!God, help! ’”


“What do you think, Akashi-chi?”


“It depends. Normally,I’ll just ignore it. After all, it’s none of my business, isn’t it? However, as now I am in the game, I guess I should be more generous. By the way, captain Kise, would you tell me what our aim is now? Raise a rebellion to save the world or just escape from the prison-like building? ”


“No, no,”黄濑露出一个狡黠的微笑,”there it is. It has nothing to do with the ‘aim’. Actually, there is no such thing as an aim in this game.”


“What do you mean?”


“This is a game totally focuses on the process. You don’t know where you are going, what is happening, who you are meeting, but participate in the whole thing. Just like life. You can’t predict or foresee anything. You move on, get trapped, overcome it, keep moving on, and then you’ll see it, the magnificence of life.”


赤司的嘴角扬起了一个微妙的弧度,“Is that what you want to say to me? ‘Happiness is in the doing, not getting what you want’, as you have been defeated by Kuroko?” 虽然看上去只是句无关紧要的调侃,与以往的揶揄没什么不同,但黄濑却从赤司不自然上挑的语调中听出了恼意。地狱的前奏。


可黄濑并不打算退缩。“Not exactly. I come up with that myself. I do owe it to Kuroko-chi in some degree, but since I have think about it over and over again, I think it doesn’t matter to declare my possession of it. And what I do want to say,Akashi-chi, is that why not forget about the aim temporarily and simply enjoy the fun of the game?”


“Ryota, you consider me as such a utilitarian who doesn’t know the significance of the process, right? The fact is, on the contrary, I am quite aware of how important the process is. What I disagree with you is that you overlooked the weight of the goal. You know the meaning of the word ‘process’?  A series of actions which are carried out in order to achieve a particular result. Without a particular aim, you don’t even have the chance to create the process. And you said life can’t be predicted,and that’s not my case. Life is something you can control. When given these exact circumstances, this is what will happen every time. Two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, you’ll get water every time. ”
















黄濑转过头对电视喊道:“Kill myself!”


“Kise placeshis knife to his neck. Are you sure you——”


“What do you think, Akashi-chi?”黄濑冲赤司眨了眨眼。


“Well, maybe I’ll help you.”赤司笑了,纯正的英腔清爽柔和,与方才的剑拔弩张截然不同。黄濑一直觉得赤司的声音很好听,像是古神社中借竹节顿挫从高处跃下的泠泠流水,汇入寒潭漾起一树披迷。然而空灵澄澈的结果就是疏离渺远,让人敬而畏之,畏而亦远之。














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